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Did the Federal Minister of Education take another uterus?

Did the Federal Minister of Education take another uterus?


It is said that if you want to destroy a nation, take away its language. After World War II, many attempts were made to teach English to the Japanese, but they preferred their national language. So today it is a developed nation.


The ideology on which Pakistan is based in the Islamic ideology of life. In an environment like chaos where children's moral, religious and national training is essential. There was a strange decision today that compulsory subjects were no longer necessary. That is, Urdu, Islamic studies, and Pakistan Studies were not considered necessary in the examinations.


Last year I was listening to my teacher Prof. Nasir Bashir's talk on why we study Urdu. He said that Urdu, Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies subjects are important because they teach us ethics. When it comes to this, these subjects help to create a feeling for this patient in the heart of this doctor. Similarly, a civil engineer, when building a bridge, will realize his responsibility.


We may not realize yet how much the nation's children have been affected by the closure of educational institutions due to the Corona epidemic, but we will have a hard time in the future. These children should not be deprived of their national language, religion, and knowledge of Pakistan by making such decisions where subjects like Urdu, Islamic studies, and Pakistan studies are already given less importance by educational institutions.


If PSL matches can be completed in the country then why not exams? As far as the burden on children is concerned, this is not the case. The opinion of the children who read and write once should also be taken. They have worked equally hard in all the subjects throughout the year and they are ready for the examinations.


Urdu, Islamic Studies, and Pakistan Studies are the subjects that improve the performance of children's results. Children have the lowest failure rates in these subjects. Many students do not agree with me right now, but if this decision is maintained, you will continue to shake hands when the result comes.


The decision to promote last year has also taught children the habit of not working and taking a degree while sitting. This habit will make our inner hearts useless. According to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, if we do not use our strength, then man becomes very lazy, lazy he reaches the state of savagery. Like you've seen scenes of protests over the cancellation of exams.


Finally, the government is requesting time to reconsider its decision and take a good uterus. Where there are three papers, there is no problem in taking five. No one will be abused. Yes, if you ignore Urdu, Islamic studies, and Pakistan studies, you will be unnecessarily abusing the nation.

Muhammad Amin

June 2, 2021


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